WFF US Navigating ESG Communications: Strategies for Challenging Times

Join WFF US for a virtual discussion on ESG Data, Disclosure, & Ratings/Scoring.
The panel will explore how different types of data may be used for risk analysis/mitigation, strategic planning/value creation and stakeholder engagement/communication. Panelists will discuss the types of data that fall under the “ESG” umbrella, some of the major voluntary and required disclosure frameworks, and scoring and assessment methodologies. Additional discussion will focus on challenges and diligence practices both for company’s internal assessments and for investors & other stakeholders in assessing data quality and well as the more general issues of greenwashing, hushwashing and coping with a rapidly changing regulatory environment.
Our moderators and panelists represent a wide range of perspectives on ESG communications. Join us for a lively and thoughtful discussion.

Pamela Ellis
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Deborah Low
Haynes Boone

Sarah Russell Crowe

Elizabeth Seeger
IFRS Foundation

Shari Siegel
Ranieri Partners LLC

Melisa Simic

Swami Venkataraman
Moody's Investors Service